

Coldplay – Christmas Lights

即將在明年四月來台演出的英倫天團Coldplay,在2010年曾發行應景的聖誕作品。由英國電影導演Mat Whitecross在倫敦泰唔士河畔拍攝整支一鏡到底MV。前奏的鋼琴一下,立刻療癒了聽眾們疲憊的心,Christmas Martin溫柔的歌聲像化為晨星般的聖誕光芒們包圍住整個靈魂,聽著聽著,感受有如得到了救贖。這首歌闡述一對在聖誕夜爭吵分開的戀人,在孤獨的街道上隨著時間流動的光影以及閃耀的燭火圍繞下,繼續唱著永遠的愛意,期望能夠在耶誕點燈照亮大街之時,獲得摯愛的諒解與釋懷。聖誕的光芒溫暖了整座城市和大海,溫暖也傳遞到每個人的心中。

Christmas night, another fight.
Tears we cried a flood.
Got all kinds of poison in, poison in my blood.

Took my feet, to Oxford street,
trying to right a wrong.
“Just walk away”, those windows say,
but I can’t believe she’s gone.

When you’re still waiting for the snow to fall,
It doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all.

A group of candles on there flicker,
Oh they flicker and they flow.
And I’m up here holding on to all those chandeliers of hope.
Like some drunkard Elvis singing,
I go singing out of tune.
Singing how I always loved you darling, and I always will.

Oh when I’m still waiting for the snow to fall,
It doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all.
Still waiting for the snow to fall,
It doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all.

Those Christmas lights,
Light up the street,
Down where the sea and city meet.
May all your troubles soon be gone.
Oh Christmas lights, keep shining on.

Those Christmas lights,
light up the street.
Maybe they’ll bring her back to me.
Then all my troubles will be gone,
Oh Christmas lights, keep shining on.


Oh Christmas lights,
light up the street.
Light up the fireworks in me.
May all your troubles soon be gone.
Those Christmas lights, keep shining on.

John Lennon – “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"



(Happy Xmas Kyoko,Happy Xmas Julian)
So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas (war is over)
For weak and for strong (if you want it)
For rich and the poor ones (war is over)
The world is so wrong (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
For black and for white (if you want it)
For yellow and red ones (war is over)
Let’s stop all the fight (now)

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas (war is over)
And what have we done (if you want it)
Another year over (war is over)
A new one just begun (if you want it)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
We hope you have fun (if you want it)
The near and the dear one (war is over)
The old and the young (now)

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

War is over, if you want it
War is over now
Happy Xmas

The Bird and the Bee(鳥與蜜蜂) – 12 Days of Christmas

來自美國洛杉磯的The Bird and the Bee(鳥與蜜蜂),團名英文其實帶有「性教育」的意涵。The Bird and the Bee是一對獨立製作的音樂人組合,代表鳥的Inara George(女)本身也是一位創作歌手,在2005年製作首張專輯時認識了製作人Greg Kurstin。

Greg Kurstin是一位業界知名的音樂製作人,曾和Lily Allen、Kylie Minogue、Red Hot Chili Peppers等知名歌手有過合作關係。兩人相遇後激發了許多對音樂的想法,決定共同合作The Bird and the Bee這個「音樂計畫」。

The Bird and the Bee曲風融合電子樂及爵士元素,迷幻且具高度實驗性,如這首英國聖誕童謠12 Days of Christmas的翻唱,除了原本就令許多人富饒意味的有趣歌詞外,不斷轉調使得原本就已迷幻的氛圍更添一筆詭譎。(以下歌詞翻譯來源自網友翻譯

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me 
twelve drummers drumming 12個鼓手打鼓
eleven pipers piping 11個笛手吹笛
ten lords-a-leaping 10位天神跳躍
nine ladies dancing 9位淑女跳舞
eight maids-a-milking 8個女傭擠奶
seven swans-a-swimming 7隻天鵝游泳
six geese-a-laying 6隻鵝下蛋
five gold rings 5只金戒指
four calling birds 4隻小鳥歌唱
three French hens 3隻法國母雞
two turtle doves  2隻斑鳩
and a partridge in a pear tree  1隻在梨子樹上的鷓鴣

The Raveonettes – The Christmas Song

The Raveonettes是來自丹麥的獨立搖滾團體,由主要負責吉他部分的Sune Rose Wagner和主要負責電貝斯的Sharin Foo組成。The Raveonettes曲風多元,以五〇、六〇年代的經典搖滾樂和弦為基底,並融合了瞪鞋搖滾及後龐克的元素,樹立出獨道的The Raveonettes風格。

All the lights are coming on now 
How I wish that it would snow now 
I don’t feel like going home now 
I wish that I could stay 

All the trees are on display now 
And it’s cold now 
I don’t feel like going home now 
I wish that I could stay 

well, I wish that I could waaaalk,
I wish that I could waalk
you home. 

All the lights are coming on now 
How I wish that it would snow now 
I don’t feel like going home now 
I wish that I could stay 

Santa’s coming to town 
With a suitcase in his hand
Santa’s coming to town 
With a suitcase in his hand

Belle & Sebastian – Are You Coming Over For Christmas?

由一首優雅溫婉的《Are You Coming Over For Christmas?》做為聖誕夜的睡前歌曲再適合不過了。《Are You Coming Over For Christmas?》這首歌曲在Belle and Sebastian的官網和Myspace上提供免費下載。

Belle and Sebastian是蘇格蘭的一隻獨立搖滾樂團,還記得《戀夏五百日》的女主角Zooey Deschanely在她的畢業紀念冊上寫下:「Color my life with the chaos of trouble.」(用混亂色彩繽紛我的人生),正是Belle and Sebastian《The Boy with the Arab Strap》中的歌詞。Belle and Sebastian的歌曲完全打中所有憂鬱懷舊的文藝青年,他們的音樂多愁善感卻又不失一顆純真的赤子之心。

Are you coming over for Christmas? 
Leave your friends, I don’t think they’ll miss you much 
It’s not that you aren’t pretty or funny 

It’s just that they’ve got plenty more money than you 

I’m going to paint the town on my days off
Cold slate roofs that glisten in starlight
Me and you, singing a carol
On the tough side of town
For the poor folk in the old mission house

If it feels like we are floating in time
Give yourself up to the desert and the night
Eastern caravans are following lights
Strangeness reigns
There’s Love in Heaven tonight

I’ll be over sometime this christmas
If you behave yourself and don’t drink too much
I’ll come and feed the fire in your kitchen
See your tree and the view of the city all covered in snow

Leave the boy behind you won’t miss him
Take a break from your phony kissing
There’s no mistletoe in my kitchen
Just a tree, and a view, of the city, covered in snow

If it feels like we are floating in air
Then the hour has passed it must be Christmas day
People shake your hand and wish you the best
Troubles leave, you wonder why you were sad
I’m glad you came, it must be Christmas day





在真實與夢境交際之處——搖滾傳奇御用專輯設計師Storm Thorgerson

捷克藝術導演Jan Švankmajer:夢靨般的壓迫感,將觀眾困進幽暗時光屋



撰稿 / 嵐澄創藝 Mistypure Emi Yeh、再見阿毛看看我的身體裏/Peek a Boo